Monday, June 14, 2010

Hazel Eyed Beauties - Part 13 *FINALE*

I don’t know how he felt at that moment, but his heart probably was crushed the moment I said those words. He's probably hurt right now. No one wants to be friends after a relationship. It's hard to be friends with someone who was once a lover. Some people believe that this is possible, but I truly deny this statement. 
He then agreed to what I had said, but I could tell that the smile on his face was a fake.

7amdan's Perspective

I was totally shocked because of her crushing words. In those few seconds my heart was crushed like shattered pieces of a mirror, but I knew I couldn’t put those pieces together. I kept thinking to myself…
Is she serious?
 How in the world is that supposed to happen?
 Once you’ve got feelings towards someone you can't just easily be friends with them if your break up. That's like water and electricity; Pour water over it and it will turn into a complete disaster!!
I finally gave up after thinking for a while.

7amdan: I know I haven’t been spending a lot of time with you lately and that I haven’t been completely fair with you, but we can't be friends. People who were lovers in the past can't be friends together after a relationship, and I'm sure you don’t want us to stay together. I can't do anything about it, because I want us to be together, but I don’t want to force you. Relationships become a success if both people are working to keep it strong, but if one of them isn’t interested they should just leave each other.

Reem: I understand. You're actually right. It would be freakishly awkward if we were "just friends".

After a long talk I was in a state of shock of course you can't get over things so fast. So I headed home and threw myself on the bed & started thinking for a few moments. I then remembered that I had pictures of us together so I went through my picture folders and deleted all the pictures so they don’t bring back *bad memories*.

All you girls & guys out there.

It's not "logical" if you fall in love that easily!! 

Of course the relationship won't last I mean come on it's like watching Cinderella
Guy sees girl falls in love with her, time passes, they fall in love, & and they lived happily ever after.

Well this is reality not fiction..

It's how life is..

Your Romeo/Juliette won't turn up just like that..

For those who truly believe in that, well I hope you wake up from your dream soon, because reality will hit you in the face!!

You have to know each other REALLY well for a relationship to work out. You should be able to answer at least every single question someone asks you about the person you love, and you should spend a lot of your time with that person because you never know if a day will come and that person will be gone.

Your true lover is out there somewhere, but don't be stupid like Cinderella.

Thank you for reading, please leave your comment =D !!


  1. why did u end it like this :S?

  2. Laaaaa =''(

    ur words are right
    bs el ending mu 7lu
    aba a3arf shu bystwy =(

    please tell me
